# Prerequisites

# Git CLI

Follow the installation guide on the git website.

# Arduino IDE

Go to arduino.cc and download the latest version of the Arduino IDE.

# Libraries for Arduino IDE

  • ESP8266 Arduino tooling
    Insert this URL at "Additional Borad Manager URLs:" http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json in the preferences window.

  • Libraries
    Open Tools > Library Manager and install the following libraries:

    • ArduinoOTA
    • Adafruit SSD1306
    • Adafruit Feather OLED
    • ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays
  • Tools

# Getting Started

# Clone the firmware

Execute the following in your terminal

# go to your desired directory
cd /path/to/your/directory/

# clone into repository
git clone https://github.com/baumeise/amsel.git && cd amsel

# Upload data

  1. Open the amsel.ino file with the arduino IDE

  2. Set board preferences in Tools

Board: NodeMCU (1.0 ESP-12E Module)
Builtin LED: 2
Upload speed: 115200
CPU Frequency: 80 MHz
Flash Size: 4MB (FS: 1MB)
Debug Port: Disabled
Debug Level: None
IwIP Variant: v2 Lower Memory
VTables: Flash
Exceptions: Legacy
Erase Flash: All Flash Contents
SSL Support: All SSL Ciphers
Port: <USB Port where the Borad is connected>
  1. Upload the Amsel firmware by pressing the upload button in the top left corner

  2. Upload SPIFFS data: Tools > ESP8266 SPIFFS Data Upload


    Close serial monitor while uploading data.


    If you experience the following error, plaese unplug the motor controller board on pins VIN & G. Reconnect them after the upload.

# Connect to device

Follow Amsels instructions on the display.

# Usage

# with PyCharm

Make sure you have the newest Python Version installed (tested with 3.7.5).


Click the Add Python to PATH option in the installer.

After the successful installation open your PyCharm project and change the Base Interpreter in Preferences > Virtualenv Environment to the new python version. If you only have on python version it should be set correctly. You can check you current set version by executing python --version in your terminal.

# with command line

Maybe you rather use a more basic approach you can just install the current python version (tested with 3.7.5) and execute your scripts with the python command from the command line.

# AmselPy

Now get started with the amselpy library.


You will find more information on how to use the amselpy library in the documentation.

pip install amselpy
# import library
from amselpy import Amsel

# create an instance
amsel = Amsel()

# set adress

# control movements

# Next steps

Start playin' around! You can find further information in the documentation.